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2. STP-22-08-0040 - Site Plan - MDM Townhomes (City Council District 2). Site Plan for a single-family townhome development with 36 units on 3.145 acres. Saint Louis Townhomes Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, Texas, zoned PD-37 district, within the SH161 Corridor District, and generally located on the east side of SH 360, approximately 120 ft. north of Atrium Dr
3. SUP-24-09-0040 - Specific Use Permit Amendment - Inoperable Vehicle Holding Yard at 4226 E Main (City Council District 5). SUP Amendment (SUP-618) to amend the boundary of an existing Inoperable Vehicle Holding Yard and Flea Market on 27.30 acres. A portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Dallas Auto Auction Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) and Heavy Industrial (HI), with an approximate address of 4226 E Main St
Feb 10, 2025 Planning & Zoning 02102025
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2. STP-22-08-0040 - Site Plan - MDM Townhomes (City Council District 2). Site Plan for a single-family townhome development with 36 units on 3.145 acres. Saint Louis Townhomes Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, Texas, zoned PD-37 district, within the SH161 Corridor District, and generally located on the east side of SH 360, approximately 120 ft. north of Atrium Dr
3. SUP-24-09-0040 - Specific Use Permit Amendment - Inoperable Vehicle Holding Yard at 4226 E Main (City Council District 5). SUP Amendment (SUP-618) to amend the boundary of an existing Inoperable Vehicle Holding Yard and Flea Market on 27.30 acres. A portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Dallas Auto Auction Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) and Heavy Industrial (HI), with an approximate address of 4226 E Main St
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