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5. Annual agreement with Twincrest Inc. dba Twincrest Technologies for advanced radar vehicle detection through a national cooperative agreement with BuyBoard at an estimated annual cost of $175,000.00 for one year with the option to renew for an additional one-year period totaling $350,000.00 if all extensions are exercised; and authorize the City Manager to execute the renewal option with aggregate price fluctuations of the lesser of up to $50,000.00 or 25% of the original maximum price so long as sufficient funding is appropriated by the City Council to satisfy the City’s obligation during the renewal terms (Reviewed by City Council Development Committee on 11/19/24)
7. Reject all bids from RFP #24186 for Management, Operations, and Maintenance of Grand Prairie Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum Cemetery
Items 20 & 21
22. Purchase of one (1) new Caterpillar 500 kW generator for the City Hall East complex ($1,393,861.41) and one (1) new Caterpillar 175 kW generator for Fire Station 11 ($383,919.17) from and BD HOLT CO. dba HOLT TEXAS LTD. dba HOLT CAT through a Cooperative Agreement with Sourcewell. This is a one-time purchase in the amount of $1,777,780.58 with a contingency amount of $177,777 for a combined total of $1,955,557.58 (Reviewed by the Finance & Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
23. Annual Contract for Dodge/RAM Light and Medium Duty Vehicles with Grapevine DCJ, LLC in an amount up to $3,000,000.00 annually. This contract will be for one year with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods totaling $15,000,000.00 if all extensions are exercised. Award secondary contract to Sames Bastrop CDJ, Inc (up to $3,000,000.00 annually). Secondary awardee will be utilized if primary is unable to fulfill the needs of the city (Reviewed by the Finance and Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
31. Approve Current and Future Opioid Settlements Which are to be Distributed in Accordance with the Texas Term Sheet Adopted by Resolution 5244-2021, Including an Agreement with Kroger, and Authorize the Execution of Documents Relative to the Acceptance of Said Settlements (Reviewed by the Public Safety, Health and Environment Committee on 12/09/2024)
38. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for construction, maintenance and operation of safety highway lighting systems on IH 20 and IH 30 in Tarrant County (Reviewed by City Council Development Committee on 12/17/2024)
41. Resolution Approving the City’s Investment Policy (Reviewed by the Finance and Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
32. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an Oil and Gas Lease Agreement with TotalEnergies E&P USA Barnett 1, LLC to allow underground drilling on approximately 81.5116 acres of City-owned properties. The Lease will be for a three-year primary term, with a $500 per mineral acre bonus payment and 25% royalties to the City (Reviewed by the City Council Development Committee on 12/17/2024)
Items 53 & 54
44. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Annexation of Certain Territory Located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas, to Wit: Being approximately 1045 Acre Tract of Land in Ellis County, Texas and Being More Particularly Described and Graphically Depicted in Exhibit “A”, Such Tract is Generally Located North of 287 Including Land Situated in the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 1056, D. Morgan Survey, Abstract No. 1224, J. Thomspon Survey, Abstract No. 1086, J. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 583, Joseph Stewart Survey, Abstract No. 961, A. Reeves Survey, Abstract No. 939, and All Adjacent Rights-of-way into the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing for Incorporation of Premises, Amending of the Official City Map, and Acknowledging a Service Plan; Requiring the Filing of this Ordinance with the County Clerk; Prescribing for Effect on Territory, Granting as Appropriate to All the Inhabitants of Said Property All the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding Said Inhabitants by All of the Acts, Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing Cumulative Repealer, Severability, and Savings Clauses; Providing for Engrossment and Enrollment; and Providing an Effective Date
45. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Annexation of Certain Territory Located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas, to Wit: Being approximately 41.68 Acre Tract of Land in Johnson County and Ellis County, Texas and Being More Particularly Described in Exhibit “A” and Graphically Depicted in Exhibit “B”, Such Tract is Generally Located South of the Ellis County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 and West of the Ellis County and Johnson County Border Including Land Situated in the J. Stewart Survey, Abstract No. 961, Ellis County, Texas and I. Gardner Survey, Abstract 897, Johnson County, Texas, and All Adjacent Rights-of-way into the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing for Incorporation of Premises, Amending of the Official City Map, and Acknowledging a Service Plan; Requiring the Filing of this Ordinance with the County Clerk; Prescribing for Effect on Territory, Granting as Appropriate to All the Inhabitants of Said Property All the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding Said Inhabitants by All of the Acts, Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing Cumulative Repealer, Severability, and Savings Clauses; Providing for Engrossment and Enrollment; and Providing an Effective Date
46. Second Public Hearing and approval of a Proposed Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and the Ellis County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1
47. STP-24-09-0038 - Site Plan - Oakdale 2 Industrial (City Council District 1). Site Plan for an industrial warehouse on 29.17 acres. Tracts 1-5, 1.2, 12-13, 17-19, & 23, John Farrans Survey, Abstract No. 468, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial and Planned Development No. 221 (PD-221), and approximately addressed as 468 Oakdale Road (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
48. STP-24-07-0031 - Site Plan – Polo Rd Retail Center (City Council District 6). Site Plan for a multi-tenant retail store on 1.525 acres. Lot 12, Block 5, Amesbury Estates Phase 2, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned PD-247, and addressed as 912 W Polo Rd (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
49. SUP-24-09-0043 - Specific Use Permit - Flint Academy (City Council District 2). Specific Use Permit for a Child Day Care Center. Lot 1R, Block 1, Oaks Baptist Church Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Planned Development No. 23 (PD-23), within the IH-20 Corridor Overlay District, and addressed as 801 E IH 20 (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with conditions by a vote of 7-0)
50. ZON-24-08-0022 - Zoning Change – 1419 E Marshall (City Council District 3). Zoning Change from Commercial (C) to Single Family-Five (SF-5) on 0.328 acres. Lot 1, Block C, Carbaugh Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, and addressed as 1419 E Marshall Dr (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
51. ZON-24-09-0026 - Zoning Change/Concept Plan - Lakesong Development (City Council District 6). Zone Change from Agriculture & Planned Developed-451 to Planned Development (PD) for mixed-use, urban residential, medium residential, estate residential, and open space uses on approximately 1,200 acres. The property is located generally south of Seeton Road, East of FM 661, North of 287, and North of Kimble Road, Ellis County, Texas (Parcel IDs 294666, 294715, 297164, 303397) (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
52. ZON-24-09-0025 - Zoning Change/Concept Plan - Polo SFA Amendment (City Council District 6). PD Amendment (PD-410A) to allow 1,600 sq. ft. Single Family Attached units on 2.909 acres. Tract 11.3, Thomas J. Tone Survey, Abstract No. 1460, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned PD-410A and approximated addresses of 4529-4554 Harmony Ct (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
Dec 17, 2024 City Council 12172024
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5. Annual agreement with Twincrest Inc. dba Twincrest Technologies for advanced radar vehicle detection through a national cooperative agreement with BuyBoard at an estimated annual cost of $175,000.00 for one year with the option to renew for an additional one-year period totaling $350,000.00 if all extensions are exercised; and authorize the City Manager to execute the renewal option with aggregate price fluctuations of the lesser of up to $50,000.00 or 25% of the original maximum price so long as sufficient funding is appropriated by the City Council to satisfy the City’s obligation during the renewal terms (Reviewed by City Council Development Committee on 11/19/24)
7. Reject all bids from RFP #24186 for Management, Operations, and Maintenance of Grand Prairie Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum Cemetery
Items 20 & 21
22. Purchase of one (1) new Caterpillar 500 kW generator for the City Hall East complex ($1,393,861.41) and one (1) new Caterpillar 175 kW generator for Fire Station 11 ($383,919.17) from and BD HOLT CO. dba HOLT TEXAS LTD. dba HOLT CAT through a Cooperative Agreement with Sourcewell. This is a one-time purchase in the amount of $1,777,780.58 with a contingency amount of $177,777 for a combined total of $1,955,557.58 (Reviewed by the Finance & Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
23. Annual Contract for Dodge/RAM Light and Medium Duty Vehicles with Grapevine DCJ, LLC in an amount up to $3,000,000.00 annually. This contract will be for one year with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods totaling $15,000,000.00 if all extensions are exercised. Award secondary contract to Sames Bastrop CDJ, Inc (up to $3,000,000.00 annually). Secondary awardee will be utilized if primary is unable to fulfill the needs of the city (Reviewed by the Finance and Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
31. Approve Current and Future Opioid Settlements Which are to be Distributed in Accordance with the Texas Term Sheet Adopted by Resolution 5244-2021, Including an Agreement with Kroger, and Authorize the Execution of Documents Relative to the Acceptance of Said Settlements (Reviewed by the Public Safety, Health and Environment Committee on 12/09/2024)
38. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for construction, maintenance and operation of safety highway lighting systems on IH 20 and IH 30 in Tarrant County (Reviewed by City Council Development Committee on 12/17/2024)
41. Resolution Approving the City’s Investment Policy (Reviewed by the Finance and Government Committee on 12/10/2024)
32. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an Oil and Gas Lease Agreement with TotalEnergies E&P USA Barnett 1, LLC to allow underground drilling on approximately 81.5116 acres of City-owned properties. The Lease will be for a three-year primary term, with a $500 per mineral acre bonus payment and 25% royalties to the City (Reviewed by the City Council Development Committee on 12/17/2024)
Items 53 & 54
44. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Annexation of Certain Territory Located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas, to Wit: Being approximately 1045 Acre Tract of Land in Ellis County, Texas and Being More Particularly Described and Graphically Depicted in Exhibit “A”, Such Tract is Generally Located North of 287 Including Land Situated in the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 1056, D. Morgan Survey, Abstract No. 1224, J. Thomspon Survey, Abstract No. 1086, J. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 583, Joseph Stewart Survey, Abstract No. 961, A. Reeves Survey, Abstract No. 939, and All Adjacent Rights-of-way into the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing for Incorporation of Premises, Amending of the Official City Map, and Acknowledging a Service Plan; Requiring the Filing of this Ordinance with the County Clerk; Prescribing for Effect on Territory, Granting as Appropriate to All the Inhabitants of Said Property All the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding Said Inhabitants by All of the Acts, Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing Cumulative Repealer, Severability, and Savings Clauses; Providing for Engrossment and Enrollment; and Providing an Effective Date
45. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Annexation of Certain Territory Located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas, to Wit: Being approximately 41.68 Acre Tract of Land in Johnson County and Ellis County, Texas and Being More Particularly Described in Exhibit “A” and Graphically Depicted in Exhibit “B”, Such Tract is Generally Located South of the Ellis County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 and West of the Ellis County and Johnson County Border Including Land Situated in the J. Stewart Survey, Abstract No. 961, Ellis County, Texas and I. Gardner Survey, Abstract 897, Johnson County, Texas, and All Adjacent Rights-of-way into the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing for Incorporation of Premises, Amending of the Official City Map, and Acknowledging a Service Plan; Requiring the Filing of this Ordinance with the County Clerk; Prescribing for Effect on Territory, Granting as Appropriate to All the Inhabitants of Said Property All the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding Said Inhabitants by All of the Acts, Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations of the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; Providing Cumulative Repealer, Severability, and Savings Clauses; Providing for Engrossment and Enrollment; and Providing an Effective Date
46. Second Public Hearing and approval of a Proposed Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and the Ellis County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1
47. STP-24-09-0038 - Site Plan - Oakdale 2 Industrial (City Council District 1). Site Plan for an industrial warehouse on 29.17 acres. Tracts 1-5, 1.2, 12-13, 17-19, & 23, John Farrans Survey, Abstract No. 468, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial and Planned Development No. 221 (PD-221), and approximately addressed as 468 Oakdale Road (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
48. STP-24-07-0031 - Site Plan – Polo Rd Retail Center (City Council District 6). Site Plan for a multi-tenant retail store on 1.525 acres. Lot 12, Block 5, Amesbury Estates Phase 2, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned PD-247, and addressed as 912 W Polo Rd (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
49. SUP-24-09-0043 - Specific Use Permit - Flint Academy (City Council District 2). Specific Use Permit for a Child Day Care Center. Lot 1R, Block 1, Oaks Baptist Church Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Planned Development No. 23 (PD-23), within the IH-20 Corridor Overlay District, and addressed as 801 E IH 20 (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with conditions by a vote of 7-0)
50. ZON-24-08-0022 - Zoning Change – 1419 E Marshall (City Council District 3). Zoning Change from Commercial (C) to Single Family-Five (SF-5) on 0.328 acres. Lot 1, Block C, Carbaugh Addition, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, and addressed as 1419 E Marshall Dr (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
51. ZON-24-09-0026 - Zoning Change/Concept Plan - Lakesong Development (City Council District 6). Zone Change from Agriculture & Planned Developed-451 to Planned Development (PD) for mixed-use, urban residential, medium residential, estate residential, and open space uses on approximately 1,200 acres. The property is located generally south of Seeton Road, East of FM 661, North of 287, and North of Kimble Road, Ellis County, Texas (Parcel IDs 294666, 294715, 297164, 303397) (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
52. ZON-24-09-0025 - Zoning Change/Concept Plan - Polo SFA Amendment (City Council District 6). PD Amendment (PD-410A) to allow 1,600 sq. ft. Single Family Attached units on 2.909 acres. Tract 11.3, Thomas J. Tone Survey, Abstract No. 1460, City of Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, zoned PD-410A and approximated addresses of 4529-4554 Harmony Ct (On November 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 7-0)
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